In 2013, Lawrie Brewster introduced us to the infamous Owl Man in Lord of Tears, about a school teacher plagued by nightmares, who returns to his childhood home to face the darkness of his past. Now, Brewster and writer Sarah Daly are bringing us The Unkindness of Ravens. Once again bringing us back to the Scottish Highlands, but this time our hero, a homeless vet with PTSD is facing off against an army of raven men! The filmmakers promise to take us beyond the brink of sanity and into a hell dimension. It sounds like a folk horror mash up of Hellraiser and Jacob's Ladder, and what could be more exciting than that?
The filmmakers have launched a Kickstarter campaign to help finish the soundtrack, manufacture DVDs and launch a marketing/distribution campaign. You can contribute HERE. Please go check out the video on the Kickstarter page, there are some cool behind the scenes footage and the perks are pretty badass too!
I'm absolutely in love with the design of the Raven Warriors. They're seriously some of the coolest horror villains since the Cenobites. And Jamie Scott Gordon looks really intense as the films protagonist, Andrew.
Go HERE to watch the extreme cut trailer.
The filmmakers have launched a Kickstarter campaign to help finish the soundtrack, manufacture DVDs and launch a marketing/distribution campaign. You can contribute HERE. Please go check out the video on the Kickstarter page, there are some cool behind the scenes footage and the perks are pretty badass too!
I'm absolutely in love with the design of the Raven Warriors. They're seriously some of the coolest horror villains since the Cenobites. And Jamie Scott Gordon looks really intense as the films protagonist, Andrew.
Go HERE to watch the extreme cut trailer.